Riveting safety operation procedures

 Announcements     |      2018-08-27 20:55

1. Carefully check the various tools used before work: size hammer, flat hammer, punch and other tools that are subjected to hammering are free of burrs and scratches, whether the hammer has crack marks and whether the installation is strong. The top of all kinds of hammer-resistant tools is strictly prohibited to be used under quenching conditions.

2. When carrying out shovel, shovel, riveting, etc., wear protective glasses and do not operate on the person. Use the air shovel to remove the shovel head during work breaks to avoid accidents. When the noise exceeds the regulations, protective earplugs should be worn.

3. In the work, when using hydraulic press, friction press, planing machine, shearing machine and other equipment, it is necessary to check whether the equipment is running normally and strictly abide by the safety operation rules of the equipment.

4. When cutting steel plates, do not use round objects (such as iron pipes, iron balls, iron bars, etc.) to make the following horns, so as to avoid rolling people.

5. When using the vehicle to turn over the work, the staff must leave the dangerous area. The spreader used must be carefully checked in advance, and the safe operation rules for driving lifting must be strictly observed.

6, when using a sledgehammer, should pay attention to the hammer head fall range. When you want to look at the hammer, you are not allowed to stand on the opposite side to prevent danger when you hammer.

7. The heated material should be stored at a fixed point. When moving, use a drip test or other method, and move it by hand to prevent burns.

8. When riveting the workpiece, if the hole is wrong, it is not allowed to test by hand. It is necessary to use the apex to wear the rod and then wear the nail. When punching, you are not allowed to stand in the direction of the punch.\

9. When working at heights, fasten the seat belts, observe the safety regulations for high-altitude operations, and check in detail whether the operation frame and springboard are firmly built. When working on a circular workpiece, the underside must be placed. It is possible to stand on the top when it is possible to scroll.

10. When connecting the compressed air tube (belt), first open the damper and blow off the dirt in the air tube (belt) before connecting. When the blockage is found to pass through the iron strip, the head must be avoided. The trachea (belt) is not allowed to pass through the track.

11. Wear protective glasses when nailing and quilting. Do not wear gloves when playing sledgehammer.